Tater tots, sex, passion, raw lobster, and a sweaty AF Tom Hardy. This and more as the boy's discuss Tom Hardy's newest film forary, Venom. Crack open two PBRs at the same time, and pop in them earbuds, because this is an instant classic. Contact: a...
In this week's action packed episode, the boys discuss the incredible new Spider-Man game for the PS4, the incredible (Ryan doesn't think so) trailer for Holmes & Watson, and more! Seriously, so, soooooooo much more. Who wants an icee brand icee? C...
In episode 2, the boys discuss James Franco's film the Disaster Artist, why Jake thinks its a load of crap, and why Ryan is still defending this movie that's crap and bad. Contact: almostaccuratepod@gmail.com Facebook: facebook.com/almostaccuratepod...
In the first episdoe of Almost Accurate the boys- Jake and Ryan discuss Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Triology, V for Vendetta, and more as they delve into what makes a good super hero film, and what makes one not so good (looking at you Amazing Spider...